11900 kHz • 05 Feb 2022 14.00-15.00 UTC

Issuer Bible Voice Broadcasting

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:mail@bvbroadcasting.org

Frequency 11900 kHz

Language English

Date 05 Feb 2022

Time UTC 14.00-15.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Airspy HF+ Discovery

Antenna YouLoop magnetic loop

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 09 Feb 2022

Responce sent 16 Feb 2022

Responce received 16 Feb 2022

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)

Bible Voice Broadcasting

Issuer Bible Voice Broadcasting

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:mail@bvbroadcasting.org

Frequency 11900 kHz

Language English

Date 05 Feb 2022

Time UTC 14.00-15.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Airspy HF+ Discovery

Antenna YouLoop magnetic loop

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 09 Feb 2022

Responce sent 16 Feb 2022

Responce received 16 Feb 2022

Permalink /2022/02/05/bvb.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


15670 kHz • 27 Mar 2022 15.30-15.59 UTC

Issuer Adventist World Radio

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:qsl@awr.org

Frequency 15670 kHz

Language English

Date 27 Mar 2022

Time UTC 15.30-15.59

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Airspy HF+ Discovery

Antenna YouLoop magnetic loop

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 30 Mar 2022

Responce sent 31 Mar 2022

Responce received 31 Mar 2022

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)

Wavescan via AWR

Issuer Adventist World Radio

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:qsl@awr.org

Frequency 15670 kHz

Language English

Date 27 Mar 2022

Time UTC 15.30-15.59

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Airspy HF+ Discovery

Antenna YouLoop magnetic loop

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 30 Mar 2022

Responce sent 31 Mar 2022

Responce received 31 Mar 2022

Permalink /2022/03/27/wavescan.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


15670 kHz • 10 Apr 2022 15.38-15.41 UTC

Issuer Philippines DX Report

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:pilipinasdx@gmail.com

Frequency 15670 kHz

Language English

Date 10 Apr 2022

Time UTC 15.38-15.41

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Airspy HF+ Discovery

Antenna YouLoop magnetic loop

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 11 Apr 2022

Responce sent 26 Apr 2022

Responce received 26 Apr 2022

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)

Philippines DX Report of April 2022

Issuer Philippines DX Report

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:pilipinasdx@gmail.com

Frequency 15670 kHz

Language English

Date 10 Apr 2022

Time UTC 15.38-15.41

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Airspy HF+ Discovery

Antenna YouLoop magnetic loop

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 11 Apr 2022

Responce sent 26 Apr 2022

Responce received 26 Apr 2022

Permalink /2022/04/10/pilipinasdx.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


6095 kHz • 01 Oct 2022 10.00-11.00 UTC

Issuer SE-TA 2

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:se-ta@web.de

Frequency 6095 kHz

Language German

Date 01 Oct 2022

Time UTC 10.00-11.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Degen DE1103 PLL

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 02 Oct 2022

Responce sent 11 Nov 2022

Responce received 11 Nov 2022

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


Issuer SE-TA 2

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:se-ta@web.de

Frequency 6095 kHz

Language German

Date 01 Oct 2022

Time UTC 10.00-11.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Degen DE1103 PLL

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 02 Oct 2022

Responce sent 11 Nov 2022

Responce received 11 Nov 2022

Permalink /2022/10/01/seta_2022.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


5960 kHz • 09 Oct 2022 00.00-01.45 UTC

Issuer KBC Radio

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:themightykbc@gmail.com

Frequency 5960 kHz

Language English

Date 09 Oct 2022

Time UTC 00.00-01.45

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Degen DE1103 PLL

Antenna telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 13 Oct 2022

Responce sent 14 Oct 2022

Responce received 14 Oct 2022

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)

The Mighty KBC

Issuer KBC Radio

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:themightykbc@gmail.com

Frequency 5960 kHz

Language English

Date 09 Oct 2022

Time UTC 00.00-01.45

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Degen DE1103 PLL

Antenna telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 13 Oct 2022

Responce sent 14 Oct 2022

Responce received 14 Oct 2022

Permalink /2022/10/09/kbc_2022.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


6055 kHz • 16 Oct 2022 10.30-11.00 UTC

Issuer Evangelische Missions-Gemeinden

Confirmed QSL/mailto:info@missionsbote.de

Frequency 6055 kHz

Language Deutsch

Date 16 Oct 2022

Time UTC 10.30-11.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Degen DE1103 PLL

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 19 Oct 2022

Responce sent 24 Oct 2022

Responce received 15 Nov 2022

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)

Evangelische Missions-Gemeinden In Deutschland

Issuer Evangelische Missions-Gemeinden

Confirmed QSL/mailto:info@missionsbote.de

Frequency 6055 kHz

Language Deutsch

Date 16 Oct 2022

Time UTC 10.30-11.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Degen DE1103 PLL

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 19 Oct 2022

Responce sent 24 Oct 2022

Responce received 15 Nov 2022

Permalink /2022/10/16/evangelische_2022.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


6045 kHz • 26 Nov 2022 11.53-12.41 UTC

Issuer Radio 60!

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:erdenman@gmx.de

Frequency 6045 kHz

Language English

Date 26 Nov 2022

Time UTC 11.53-12.41

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Degen DE1103 PLL

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 27 Nov 2022

Responce sent 29 Nov 2022

Responce received 29 Nov 2022

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)

Radio 60!

Issuer Radio 60!

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:erdenman@gmx.de

Frequency 6045 kHz

Language English

Date 26 Nov 2022

Time UTC 11.53-12.41

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Degen DE1103 PLL

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 27 Nov 2022

Responce sent 29 Nov 2022

Responce received 29 Nov 2022

Permalink /2022/11/26/radio60_2022.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


6095 kHz • 25 Dec 2022 09.58-10.52 UTC

Issuer SE-TA 2

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:se-ta@web.de

Frequency 6095 kHz

Language German

Date 25 Dec 2022

Time UTC 09.58-10.52

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver BELKA

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 27 Dec 2022

Responce sent 30 Dec 2022

Responce received 30 Dec 2022

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


Issuer SE-TA 2

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:se-ta@web.de

Frequency 6095 kHz

Language German

Date 25 Dec 2022

Time UTC 09.58-10.52

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver BELKA

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 27 Dec 2022

Responce sent 30 Dec 2022

Responce received 30 Dec 2022

Permalink /2022/12/25/seta_ny2223.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


9500 kHz • 21 Jan 2023 15.30-16.00 UTC

Issuer Голос Анд (радиостудия "Откровение")

Confirmed QSL/mailto:mks@intercon.ru

Frequency 9500 kHz

Language Russian

Date 21 Jan 2023

Time UTC 15.30-16.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver BELKA

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 01 Feb 2023

Responce sent 08 Feb 2023

Responce received 16 Feb 2023

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)

Голос Анд

Issuer Голос Анд (радиостудия "Откровение")

Confirmed QSL/mailto:mks@intercon.ru

Frequency 9500 kHz

Language Russian

Date 21 Jan 2023

Time UTC 15.30-16.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver BELKA

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 01 Feb 2023

Responce sent 08 Feb 2023

Responce received 16 Feb 2023

Permalink /2023/01/21/hcjb_ru_jan2023.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


9610 kHz • 26 Mar 2023 09.00-10.00 UTC

Issuer AWR-Italy

Confirmed e-letter/mailto:awr@hopemedia.it

Frequency 9610 kHz

Language Italian

Date 26 Mar 2023

Time UTC 09.00-10.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver BELKA

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 26 Mar 2023

Responce sent 31 Mar 2023

Responce received 31 Mar 2023

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)

Obiettivo DX

Issuer AWR-Italy

Confirmed e-letter/mailto:awr@hopemedia.it

Frequency 9610 kHz

Language Italian

Date 26 Mar 2023

Time UTC 09.00-10.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver BELKA

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 26 Mar 2023

Responce sent 31 Mar 2023

Responce received 31 Mar 2023

Permalink /2023/03/26/awrit_mar2023.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


13730 kHz • 26 May 2023 05.00-05.15 UTC

Issuer Bible Voice Broadcasting

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:mail@bvbroadcasting.org

Frequency 13730 kHz

Language Arabic

Date 26 May 2023

Time UTC 05.00-05.15

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver BELKA

Antenna telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 26 May 2023

Responce sent 07 Aug 2023

Responce received 07 Aug 2023

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)

Bible Voice Broadcasting

Issuer Bible Voice Broadcasting

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:mail@bvbroadcasting.org

Frequency 13730 kHz

Language Arabic

Date 26 May 2023

Time UTC 05.00-05.15

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver BELKA

Antenna telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 26 May 2023

Responce sent 07 Aug 2023

Responce received 07 Aug 2023

Permalink /2023/05/26/bvb.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


21600 kHz • 02 Mar 2024 13.20-14.00 UTC

Issuer Radio C.M. Obrecht

Confirmed e-QSL/https://cmobrecht.jimdofree.com/where-to-buy-wo-kaufen-kde-k%C3%BApi%C5%A5/

Frequency 21600 kHz

Language English/German

Date 02 Mar 2024

Time UTC 13.20-14.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver XHDATA D-808

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 07 Mar 2024

Responce sent 11 Mar 2024

Responce received 11 Mar 2024

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)

Mixed Music presented by C.M. Obrecht

Issuer Radio C.M. Obrecht

Confirmed e-QSL/https://cmobrecht.jimdofree.com/where-to-buy-wo-kaufen-kde-k%C3%BApi%C5%A5/

Frequency 21600 kHz

Language English/German

Date 02 Mar 2024

Time UTC 13.20-14.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver XHDATA D-808

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 07 Mar 2024

Responce sent 11 Mar 2024

Responce received 11 Mar 2024

Permalink /2024/03/02/obrecht.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


11700 kHz • 27 Apr 2024 15.30-16.00 UTC

Issuer Голос Анд (радиостудия "Откровение")

Confirmed QSL/mailto:mks@intercon.ru

Frequency 11700 kHz

Language Russian

Date 27 Apr 2024

Time UTC 15.30-16.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Sony ICF-2010

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 28 Apr 2024

Responce sent 14 May 2024

Responce received 30 May 2024

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)

Голос Анд

Issuer Голос Анд (радиостудия "Откровение")

Confirmed QSL/mailto:mks@intercon.ru

Frequency 11700 kHz

Language Russian

Date 27 Apr 2024

Time UTC 15.30-16.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver Sony ICF-2010

Antenna its telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 28 Apr 2024

Responce sent 14 May 2024

Responce received 30 May 2024

Permalink /2024/04/27/golosand.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)


17650 kHz • 19 May 2024 14.30-15.00 UTC

Issuer Bible Voice Broadcasting

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:mail@bvbroadcasting.org

Frequency 17650 kHz

Language Dari

Date 19 May 2024

Time UTC 14.30-15.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver BELKA

Antenna telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 19 May 2024

Responce sent 19 May 2024

Responce received 25 Jun 2024

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)

Bible Voice Broadcasting

Issuer Bible Voice Broadcasting

Confirmed e-QSL/mailto:mail@bvbroadcasting.org

Frequency 17650 kHz

Language Dari

Date 19 May 2024

Time UTC 14.30-15.00

Location Moscow, Russia (inside city)

Receiver BELKA

Antenna telescopic

Station Nauen, Nauen, Germany

Report sent 19 May 2024

Responce sent 19 May 2024

Responce received 25 Jun 2024

Permalink /2024/05/19/bvb.html

Video Click to open the video (YouTube)